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Classic American Children's Illustrators 30 Oversized Postcards Book - Includes Johnny Gruelle, Raggedy Ann Author, Illustrator

Product Description

Classic American Children's Illustrators 30 Postcard Book
30 postcards, 6 1/2" x 4 3/4"
This collection of work from fifteen American illustrators does not claim to represent the best, merely favorites of ours.
Children's books have long been a favorite channel of escape and self-expression for creative people who retain a large portion of wonder and imagination from their childhood. Some of them find drama in the small events of a child's day; others like to break the bonds of everyday reality and escape into worlds of fantasy. In this collection Jessie Wilcox Smith, A.B. Frost, Clara M. Burd and Sarah Stilwell Weber are clearly of the first persuasion. Johnny Gruelle, John R. Neill, E. Boyd Smith and Peter Newell are distinctly of the latter persuasion. All of these great artists see better than we do, which is why we treasure the records of their visions. Both groups tend to love animals, and we frequently find animals wonderfully portrayed in both familiar and fantastic surroundings. The other illustrators we include are: Lansing Campbell, Fanny Y. Coy, Palmer Cox, W.W. Denslow, M.L. Kirk, Howard Pyle and Frederick Richardson.
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Raggedy Ann, Raggedy Andy and related characters copyright and trademark
Simon & Schuster and Hasbro, Inc. Additional materials copyright John B. Gruelle.
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